[macro] defcall
A macro to write defmethod call
in a more concise way.
(defcall (model Transformer) (Tokens[Batch Seq-Len] Start-Pos[])
(with-slots ((wte wte) (wpe wpe) (h h) (ln-f ln-f) (lm-head lm-head)) model
(let* ((token-emb (forward wte tokens))
(pos-emb (forward wpe (!cast (!add start-pos (!index-components `(1 ,seq-len))) (dtype-of tokens))))
(hi (!add token-emb pos-emb))
(mask (!triu (!full `(1 1 ,seq-len ,(!+ start-pos (iconst seq-len))) (-inf)) :diagonal (!+ (iconst 1) start-pos)))
(_ (dolist (hn h) (setf hi (forward hn hi mask start-pos))))
(logits (forward lm-head (forward ln-f hi))))
(declare (ignore _))
;; (!argmax (!view logits t -1 t))
(!argmax logits))))
[macro] defsequence
Defines a model which the definition is given as a sequence of nodes. Note that models defined by this macro only accept one input.
(defsequence MLP (in-features hidden-dim out-features &key (activation #'!relu))
(Linear in-features hidden-dim)
(asnode activation)
(Linear hidden-dim hidden-dim)
(asnode activation)
(Linear hidden-dim out-features))
[function] asnode
Wraps the function as a callable node by (forward ...)
. function is a function which takes one argument and returns one value.
rest-args is a place to pass additional arguments like: (asnode #'!leaky-relu :neg-slope 1e-2)