cl-waffe2 VM

The package cl-waffe2/vm is the central of system, and features are focused on low-level stuffs: compiling/optimizing/rewriting cl-waffe2 IRs and how they're executed. So, most of APIs are accesible by convinient API wrappers of other packages.

[parameter] *opt-level*

This parameter indicates the degree of runtime error detection. Whichever you choose, cl-waffe2 never apply something unsafe code transformation. It takes the fixnum from 1 to 3, and the larger, the faster.

  • Set 1 to use safety-mode, in every instructions, runtime error is checked.

  • Set 2 to use middle-mode, runtime error is checked only when first execution.

  • Set 3 to use fastest-mode, no runtime error checking is done.

Again, whichever levels you choose, the graph cl-waffe2 executes is the same. So the effects on the performance is very small (within < 1e-4~1e-5 sec).

In default, set to 2.

[parameter] *logging-vm-execution*

This parameter is useful for printing how all instructions are performed. If set to T, all results and arguments produced by executing cl-waffe2 IR is displayed into the terminal. In default, set to nil.

[struct] WfInstruction

WfInstruction is IR for cl-waffe2 VM. Its form is represented by an extended Wengert list which is able to return multiple outputs. In this document, we call this cl-waffe2 IR, and compiled cl-waffe2 code, that is, the list of WfInstruction is called InstructionSeq or iseq. Unlike other frameworks, this IR is not only used to represent backpropagation but also forward propagation.

In cl-waffe2, WfInstruction is created by compiling AbstractNode, and its operation can be obtained by compiling lisp code or passing lambda functions.

A single WfInstruction represents:

out_to[0], out_to[1], ... <- λ(Args[0], Args[1], Args[2], ...)
 ^wfop-out-to                 ^wfop-op     ^wfop-args

where λ represents the operation. And, if any, ArgsN is wrapped with SV4BW.

out_to[0], out_to[1], ... <- λ(SV4BW(Args[0]), Args[1], Args[2], ...)
                                  ^ wfop-sv4bw

SV4BW (i.e: save-for-backward) is a temporary tensor to compute backwards and cl-waffe2 reads the :save-for-backward slots in the define-impl macro, and the corresponding tensors are copied.


wfop-op[function] corresponds with compiled λ function.

wfop-node[AbstractNode or string or function] The node which generates λ function. For the most case, this slot is set to AbstractNode, but the node is something special, (e.g.: CodeBlock, IfNode etc...), set to function.

wfop-out-to[list of AbstractTensor] indicates list of tensors that results are to be stored.

wfop-self[AbstractTensor] corresponds with out_target, that is, the tensor to store the results

wfop-args[list of AbstractTensor] corresponds with (tensor-variable wfop-self). tensors to be called with: arg1 arg2 arg3....

wfop-sv4bw[list of AbstractTensor] indicates list of tensors storing save-for-backward tensors. if the corresponding position is save-for-backward=nil, the corresponding position also become nil.

wfop-comment[string or null] If any, the value of slot is displayed when printing IR.

wfop-loadp[boolean] If set to t, the operation is interpreted as load-pointer. See also: (read-loadp instruction)

wfop-lut-cache-p[boolean] If set to T, indicates wfop-op is already compiled and cached in LUT.

[function] compile-forward-and-backward

(compile-forward-and-backward toplevel &key (need-backward t) (fuse-p t) (compile-mode :default) (optimize-locality t))

Compiles into cl-waffe2 IR (so-called iseq) from the given toplevel to each leaf points (where detach-p=t or backward=null variables). toplevel is AbstractTensor with backwards.

Tips: disassemble-waffe2-ir to display compiled Instruction Sequence.


(values forward-iseq backward-iseq leaves[an list of AbstractTensor that appeared in the node] dout alloc-state)

[function] accept-instructions

(accept-instructions iseq)

Evaluates generated cl-waffe2 IR sequence.

iseq[list] an list of WFInstruction

[function] disassemble-waffe2-ir

(disassemble-waffe2-ir toplevel &key (backward t) (stream t) (fuse-p t))

Prints out the compiled cl-waffe2 IR from toplevel to each leaf points to stream. If backward was set to t, backward is also displayed.


(with-output-to-string (out)
    (disassemble-waffe2-ir (!softmax (parameter (randn `(3 3))) :avoid-overflow nil) :stream out))

<WfInst[op=ALLOC{INTERNAL}]     : TID474 <= op(TID474{float, (3 3)} <Param>TID469{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=EXPNODE-CPUTENSOR]   : TID474 <= op(<Param>SV4BW(TID469{float, (3 3)}) TID474{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=SCALARMUL-CPUTENSOR] : TID513 <= op(TID513{float, (3 1)} <Input>TID502{float, (1)})>
<WfInst[load_pointer{SYS}]      : TID513* = TID513*>
<WfInst[op=ADDNODE-CPUTENSOR]   : TID513 <= op(TID513{float, (3 3)} TID474{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=DIVNODE-CPUTENSOR]   : TID474 <= op(SV4BW(TID474{float, (3 3)}) SV4BW(TID513{float, (3 3)}))>

6 Instructions | 3 Tensors | 1 Scalars

<WfInst[op=MOVETENSORNODE-CPUTENSOR] : TID557 <= op(TID557{float, (3 3)} <Input>TID554{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=DIVNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID557 <= op(TID557{float, (3 3)} TID543{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=MOVETENSORNODE-CPUTENSOR] : TID578 <= op(TID578{float, (3 3)} <Input>TID554{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=SCALARMUL-CPUTENSOR]      : TID578 <= op(TID578{float, (3 3)} <Input>TID575{float, (1)})>
<WfInst[op=MULNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID538 <= op(TID538{float, (3 3)} TID578{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[load_pointer{SYS}]           : TID543* = TID543*>
<WfInst[op=MULNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID543 <= op(TID543{float, (3 3)} TID543{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=DIVNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID538 <= op(TID538{float, (3 3)} TID543{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=EXPNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID490 <= op(TID490{float, (3 3)} TID490{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[op=MULNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID557 <= op(TID557{float, (3 3)} TID490{float, (3 3)})>
<WfInst[load_pointer{SYS}]           : TID471* = TID557*>

11 Instructions | 7 Tensors | 1 Scalars

[function] benchmark-accept-instructions

(benchmark-accept-instructions iseq &key (n-sample 1) (ignore-first-call nil) (stream t) (top-k 10))

Basically, the function benchmark-accept-instruction executes the given list of instructions with profiling execution time, but at the end of proess, displays the report into stream.


n-sample[fixnum] repeats the iseq execution for n-sample times

ignore-first-call[boolean] If t, ignores the first call to avoid including allocating time.

stream[stream] the place to display the result

top-k[fixnum] top-k slowest nodes are displayed at the end of report.



See also: proceed-bench


(with-output-to-string (out)
    (proceed-bench (!softmax (randn `(100 100))) :n-sample 100 :stream out))

[Sorted by Instructions]
 Time(s)   |   Instruction ( * - Beyonds the average execution time)
3.53e-4    | <WfInst[op=MOVETENSORNODE-CPUTENSOR] : TID801 <= op(TID801{float, (100 100)} <Input>TID735{float, (100 100)})>
1.62e-4    | <WfInst[op=SCALARMUL-CPUTENSOR]      : TID795 <= op(TID795{float, (100 1)} <Input>TID744{float, (1)})>
9.2e-5     | <WfInst[load_pointer{SYS}]           : TID795* = TID795*>
0.006241*  | <WfInst[op=ADDNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID795 <= op(TID795{float, (100 100)} <Input>TID735{float, (100 100)})>
9.3e-5     | <WfInst[load_pointer{SYS}]           : TID795* = TID795*>
1.52e-4    | <WfInst[op=SCALARDIV-CPUTENSOR]      : TID795 <= op(TID795{float, (100 1)} <Input>TID739{float, (1)})>
9.3e-5     | <WfInst[load_pointer{SYS}]           : TID795* = TID795*>
0.004291*  | <WfInst[op=SUBNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID801 <= op(TID801{float, (100 100)} TID795{float, (100 100)})>
9.85e-4    | <WfInst[op=EXPNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID801 <= op(TID801{float, (100 100)} TID801{float, (100 100)})>
1.55e-4    | <WfInst[op=SCALARMUL-CPUTENSOR]      : TID795 <= op(TID795{float, (100 1)} <Input>TID839{float, (1)})>
9.7e-5     | <WfInst[load_pointer{SYS}]           : TID795* = TID795*>
0.006674*  | <WfInst[op=ADDNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID795 <= op(TID795{float, (100 100)} TID801{float, (100 100)})>
0.004137*  | <WfInst[op=DIVNODE-CPUTENSOR]        : TID801 <= op(TID801{float, (100 100)} TID795{float, (100 100)})>

13 Instructions | 6 Tensors | Overheads due to SV4BW(...) -> 5.03e-6(s) 

 Total Time: 0.023525001 sec

[Sorted by topK]
 Instruction                         | Total time (s) | Time/Total (n-sample=100)
<WfInst[op=ADDNODE-CPUTENSOR]        | 0.012915       | 54.899044%
<WfInst[op=SUBNODE-CPUTENSOR]        | 0.004291       | 18.24017%
<WfInst[op=DIVNODE-CPUTENSOR]        | 0.004137       | 17.585546%
<WfInst[op=EXPNODE-CPUTENSOR]        | 9.85e-4        | 4.187035%
<WfInst[op=VIEWTENSORNODE-T]         | 3.75e-4        | 1.5940487%
<WfInst[op=MOVETENSORNODE-CPUTENSOR] | 3.53e-4        | 1.5005313%
<WfInst[op=SCALARMUL-CPUTENSOR]      | 3.17e-4        | 1.3475026%
<WfInst[op=SCALARDIV-CPUTENSOR]      | 1.52e-4        | 0.6461211%