Extend library
All features of cl-waffe is exported for users, users can extend it as they wish.
The first section describes defmodel/deftrainer which will be most used macros.
The rest sections describe defnode/defoptimizer/defdataset which will be a little difficult for users to understand.
To put it bluntly, what defmodel to cl-waffe is what class(nn.Modules): to PyTorch.
Internally, defmodel is a macro for just defining defstruct, but can be used like CLOS Style.
(name args &key (parameters nil) forward (optimize nil) (document An model, defined by cl-waffe))
This macro defines a cl-waffe model as name
At the same time, a constructor name
is defined and you can initialize your model like:
(cl-waffe.nn:LinearLayer 100 20) ; => [Model: Linearlayer]
- name
- Your model and constructor name
- args
- The arguments of a constructor
- parameters
The parameters your model has.
Every time you initialize the model, the parameters are initialized.
Note that
behaves like class.The arguments are the same as
Format Example: ((param-name param-initial-value &key (type your-type)))
- optimize
- when t, your forward slot is defined with (declare (optimize (speed 3)(space 0)(debug 0))). It helps faster training after you ensured debugged.
- forward
Define here the forward propagation of your model.
When backward, Automatic differentiation applies.
For example, defines seq2seq's encoder.
(defmodel Encoder (vocab-size embedding-dim hidden-size)
:parameters ((embedding (Embedding vocab-size embedding-dim :pad-idx 0))
(layer (RNN embedding-dim hidden-size :num-layers 1)))
:forward ((x)
(with-calling-layers x
(embedding x)
(layer x))))
(defmodel Encoder (vocab-size embedding-dim hidden-size) ~) says, The constructor of it is (Encoder vocab-size embedding-dim hidden-size) And these parameters will be used when initializing :parameters.
:parameters have Parameters of each object, that is, each time model is initialized, (Embedding ~) and (RNN ~) are created and inserted to Encoder's embedding, layer.
:forward defines forward-step.
There is no need to define :backward as automatic differentiation is enabled inside the defmodel. That is, in defmodel's forward, all calculations must be done in cl-waffe's APIs otherwise computation nodes would be broken.
Initialize and call model
Let's create encoder and call forward.
(setq model (Encoder 10 16 10))
;[Model: ENCODER]
(call model (!ones `(10 10)))
;#Const((((-2.31... 3.048... ~ 2.551... -2.98...)
; ...
; (-2.31... 3.048... ~ 2.551... -2.98...))
; ...
; ((-2.31... 3.048... ~ 2.551... -2.98...)
; ...
; (-2.31... 3.048... ~ 2.551... -2.98...))) :mgl t :shape (10 10 10))
(backward (!sum *))
; Backward process is done correctly!
CLOS Style
(This is available in other macros as well.)
This is obviously but you can define method for each cl-waffe objects.
Each parameter can be accessed by using slot-value or each inherent accessor.
(defmethod print-object ((model Encoder) stream)
(format stream "[Seq2Seq Encoder which contains: ~a and ~a]"
(slot-value model 'embedding)
(encoder-layer model)))
(print model)
;[Seq2Seq Encoder which contains: [Model: EMBEDDING] and [Model: RNN]]
See also for more APIs: document
See: document.
See: document.
defnode is a macro for defining a computation node itself in contrast to defmodel defining calculations using operators defined by defnode.
defnode requires :forward :backward to be fulfilled.
cl-waffe's APIs aren't necessary to be used in each step of :forward :backward as long as WaffeTensor is returned.
For example, defining (!transpose1 ...) without using cl-waffe's APIs.
(defnode Transpose1Tensor (shape)
:optimize t
:parameters ((prev-shape nil)(shape shape))
:forward ((x)
(setf (self prev-shape)(!shape x))
(with-facet (array ((value x) 'array :direction :input))
(sysconst (array-to-mat (numcl:transpose array)))))
:backward ((dy)
(list (!transpose1 dy (self prev-shape)))))
(defun !transpose1 (x &rest result)
(call (Transpose1Tensor (assure-tensor result))(assure-tensor x)))
(setq a (!randn `(10 10)))
(setq a (!transpose1 a))
(print (cl-waffe::waffetensor-state a))
; Backward created correctly.
mgl-mat provides an macro with-facet
(See original repos), which is used to directly access cl's array etc.
In other example, defining dropout.
; An implementation of Inverted Dropout.
(defnode Dropout (&optional (dropout-rate 0.5))
:optimize t
:parameters ((dropout-rate
(if (and (> dropout-rate 0.0)
(< dropout-rate 1.0))
(error "cl-waffe.nn: Dropout(x), x must be in the range of 0.0<x<1.0 where x is a single-float.")))
(mask T))
:forward ((x)
(if (eql (self mask) T) ; is first call?
(setf (self mask)(!zeros (!shape x))))
(if *no-grad* ; predict mode
(!modify (self mask) :bernoulli (self dropout-rate))
(!modify (!mul (self mask) x) :*= (/ 1 (- 1 (self dropout-rate)))))))
:backward ((dy)
(list (!mul (self mask) dy))))
Tips: using T as a default parameter is convinient since cl-waffe's optimizer can detect discontinuities in the computation nodes.
See also for more APIs: document
See: document.
Todo: parallelize/make its memory-usage less.